Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Unconventional Parenting

    I have received many judgments for the way I parent my children. I have been told I go over board when I restrict my kids diets. I was told cloth diapering is gross. I have been called irresponsible for not vaccinating my kids. People seem to think I judge them for formula feeding their babies when I breastfed mine. I have been thought as neglectful for not rushing my kids to a doctor when when they are sick. When in the end I do all these things because I feel what is the best for my own children.

{Some things you will find in our "medicine" cabinet}

     As parents we shouldn't just follow the norm. When we read the label on the back of the cereal box and we have no idea what aspartame is, we need to research it and figure out if we really want our kids eating it. When we hear about the side effects of the MMR vaccine we need to use our own judgement to decide to vaccinate or not to vaccinate, but not before conducting a thorough study. When a child has a slight fever and it doesn't seem right to take them out of bed, drive to the doctor office, expose their already weakened immune system to yet more germs, we need to use our instincts. As parents we need to question everything!

{Eliot sick with The Measles}

    Most people I know don't agree with me on these things and that is perfectly fine!  We have separate opinions and I respect that but what is NOT ok is when someone tries to argue with me on something I firmly stand my ground on calling me a bad parent. Especially when they haven't even done any research on the topic at hand. I did not choose to not vaccinate my kids on a whim. I never felt right about it to begin with but that wasn't enough me. I prayed many weeks over this before God gave me an answer. I answer to God above all others. So, if he is giving me direction how can I go wrong? ; ) I may be an unconventional parent but in some area or another, aren't we all?

{Eli sporting his cloth diapers}

Funny Story Time:
    Grace and Eli have a little cold (don't worry that is not the funny part!) so I have been giving them extra elderberry syrup for their immune systems and lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus oil for their other cold symptoms. Yesterday as the kids are roll playing they are sick, Grace was pretending to give Eli elderberry syrup and rubbing oils on his feet instead of pretending she is doctor giving him cold syrup and Advils. Yup, we're a little unconventional over here.