Monday, April 28, 2014


Garage sales and thrift stores. I love them. Ten dollars for all of this.
 Not too shabby if I do say so myself!

James loves old books in other languages so he 
added a German Bible to the collection. 

I know the kids are a little old for this but we love wooden toys around
 so I couldn't pass it up. Especially for the price.

A little wooden bowl. I'm not sure if I'll use it for decoration, to 
really eat from of it, or let the kids have it for their play kitchen.
(They ended up rounding the total so this was basically free. Score!)

Now my favorite. I love to knit by candle light in the evenings so this, I 
just had to have. I've used it the last couple nights already :).

So pretty. Now for garage sale season to get started!

Friday, April 25, 2014


Tidbits: tid·bits, noun
1.) Random moments of life preserved in pictures in an attempt to blog at least once a week.

So these aren't pictures from the past week but from the past month but still wanted to share them.

{The fireplace is their favorite place to color}

{Gracie helping me sew her doll blanket}

{Two cuties super stoked to sleep in the same bed. It only lasted about
 five minutes until Eli wanted back in his bed}

{Gracies first successful log tower}

{Grace has been really into fairies lately so I tried my hand
 at making her a one with a wooden ball and wooden spool}

{As Eli would say "I'm Fyling," meaning styling :)}

{He crawled up on my lap, said "I love you", kissed my cheek,
 and fell asleep. I'm one lucky Mama}

Kingwood Center

    Last week we went to Kingwood Center with my parents and nieces. It's a favorite spring/summer activity of ours. There are usually flowers everywhere you turn but it's still early. We always start by feeding the ducks then make make our rounds on the rest of the grounds.

{See that water? I fell in that when I was little. Lets just hope it was cleaner then. :)}

{You may not see it but behind the peacock are two peahens.}

{My wild child running through the woods.}

{Lexi, Grace, Addy}

{Never can get everyone looking.}

{Checking out some kind of red moss}