Saturday, May 25, 2013

Enjoing The Great Indoors

    Due to it raining a couple days this past week we have had more indoor playtime than usual.  Keeping two little ones inside who have become accustom to going out two or three times a day is a tiresome. 
One day we had popcorn and a movie in the living room. I pulled the futon cushion out on the floor then put some pillows and a blanket down. They were in heaven.

Another day I let them play with an old moving box.  This entertained them both for about an hour. 

We've gone from days of sunshine in the high eighties, to pouring rain, and now the temp has been in the low sixties.  Crazy weather but full of play and imagination.

My Babies are Growing Up

    The last few days I have been going through the kids toys looking to get rid of some things and packing up some things they have out grown.  In doing so I came across Eli's teether.  I couldn't help but to think about his and Grace's tiny fingers, sweet fuzzy skin, and the adorable baby yawns.  I miss nursing my babies to sleep and the way they yearned to be cuddled with.  Now it's the other way around, I'm the one begging for their cuddles.  I miss their sweet little giggles from just seeing me smile at them.  I miss their flakey newborn skin and their quite hick-ups.
This tiny baby boy has turned to this,

A much bigger baby boy who is slowly starting
 to want to do things himself.

More shocking yet, this precious baby
 girl has turned to this,

An independent little girl who loves to help he little
 brother and comforts him when he is hurt.

    I might yearn for those teeny tiny baby days but I have these amazing, unpredictable toddler days to look forward to each morning.  We paint, learn our colors and shapes, chase each other playing jack in the bean stock, have tea parties, and make forts.  Grace and Eli give me new twists each day but I wouldn't have it any other day. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Summer Promises

[Flowers will be picked]

[Our sidewalk will be regularly "chalked"]

[We will find all the good hiding spots]

[We will go to new parks and old favorites over and over]

[We won't be afraid to get dirty]

[And when we aren't outside we will wish we were]

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Simple Days

    I love the days when we slow down and enjoy life. The days when we spend time inside and enjoy one another without the temptations of "Having to do something." Days where we the kids are content with playing quietly with their toys and each other. Days when Grace doesn't ask to turn the TV on after her hour of Wake Up Screen Time is over. Monday was one of those days. 

 We stayed in our pajamas until noon, reading book after book.

They devoured each book, taking their time looking at each page
All day, everyday Grace watches the squirrels from the window. I have
 never seen more squirrels in one neighborhood than I have in ours.  

Once Eli was napping I threw together a little tea party.  We had cucumber sandwiches
 and peanut butter cookies with blueberry tea, sweetened with a little honey. 

Grace thought drinking out of her little teacup was the funniest thing.

Although I'm not sure peanut butter cookies were a great combo
 with the blueberry tea, Grace sure wasn't complaining!

    Of course there was fighting between Grace and Eli, time outs, and tears but there is nothing like a calm day with sweet words and lots of cuddles to jump start the week.